Gecko from enzyme that is used for HIV-AIDS drug

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Gecko is the animal that is currently being sought enough by some people. Because the type of reptile in a big lizard tribal groups that have Gekkonidae high prices in the market. Price geckos who weighs 4 ounces to more than Rp 500 million.

No wonder it makes a number of communities vying to catch it. However, do you know now many brokers from Malaysia and Korea on the loose in Indonesia in order to get an animal that reportedly can cure HIV AIDS?

The arrival of the foreign financiers, according to Ade, because the business sale gecko was tempting. In addition, the brokers can get geckos in Indonesia with cheap price and then resold at a good price. "Since I heard from my boss, he said that geckos studied abroad for HIV-AIDS drugs and said the study abroad was 90 percent (geckos can cure HIV-AIDS)," said residents Kapuk, North Jakarta, this.

Ade is a seller and buyer geckos. Business is already one of this year digelutinya. Gecko, gecko's, he said, are sold by way of export to some countries, like China, Japan, Hong Kong, and France.

However, not all geckos worth of exports. Only geckos who weighs over 3.5 ounces worth of exports. "Because, getting older and large size of a gecko, the enzyme levels will have more and more. And, he said enzyme that is used for HIV-AIDS drug," said Ade.

Tutorial : How to Hack Nokia 5800 XM v40 Firmware

Posted in By onetruth 2 comments

Note: This hack specifically for users of the Nokia 5800 XM RM-356Please check your version of Nokia 5800 XM dial * # 0000 # and look at the 'Type'

This seems to cave first entry for Nokia 5800 XM. Je note new time use, so many things in my explore.

Many are frustrated by updating their Nokia 5800 XM Kea latest firmware version, the v40 firmware is already immune because of the hack HelloOX2. However, the latest firmware released the Nokia only lasted 1 month, when, PNHT (Professional Nokia Hacking Team) managed to bypass security by using the latest firmware v40 firmware which has been inject the PNHT.

Firmware is harmless to the Nokia 5800XM you, I already tested on 5800XM cave.

Here, the cave will show the one-step how to hack Nokia 5800XM latest firmware.REMINDER! - TUTORIAL TIME THIS TECHNIQUE USING FLASH and requires a USB cable, are feared to be damaged IF YOUR HP power failure FLASH DURING THE PROCESS. Sure to FULLY CHARGE YOUR BATTERY HANPHONE! GUA not liable for any damage caused.

1. Please backup all data in your Nokia 5800XM your PC using Nokia PC Suite. After the backup, do not withdrawn 5800XM usb wire - to - PC.

RM356_40.0.005_023_xxx_U01.uda.fpsx: (Select One) (Select One)


IAD 1.98.62.exe:

IAD PKEY Emulator v5.0.rar:

Download the fifth of five this file, sorry la cave can provide software mirroring for IAD tu. Internet connection center fuss.

3. Install IAD 1.98.62.exe (Make sure u're not changing the installation path. Let je he installed near the C: drive)
+ If asked to not want to overwrite the current driver installed, press NO.

4. Open Navifirm.rar
In the file, find Navifirm.exe. Very tiny file, JAP icon already. Do not worry, it's clean from the unclean unclean trojan.

Interface Navifirm, a magical tool that access to Nokia Firmware Server.

After you create Navifirm.exe, let the moment Nafivirm to access Nokia Firmware Server.
After getting the product list for nokia, please find the Nokia 5800 XepressMusic (RM-356).
Then select the firmware version (release) the most recent is v40.0.5.
Then choose your firmware.

If you use the Nokia 5800XM red, please select APAC1 RED INDONESIA (0,570,196)

If you use the Nokia 5800XM blue color, please select APAC1 BLUEÂ INDONESIA (0,570,197)

If you buy outside of Australia, please select the appropriate type for you.

(Benda ni dont really no different shares, only different in color theme + some other things)
I choose? See the box to the right once I? Press the button 'All' and button 'Download from fire'

Save the firmware in the new folder named RM-356.
5. After the firmware download is complete, you try to look into the firmware folder. It's not RM356_40.0.005_023_xxx_U01.uda.fpsx?

Please overwrite files with the file RM356_40.0.005_023_xxx_U01.uda.fpsx

RM356_40.0.005_023_xxx_U01.uda.fpsx of the download * see point no. 2 * just now.

Firmware Path

6. Please copy the folder to the RM-356;

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Nokia \ DataPackage \ Products \and

C: \ Program Files \ Nokia \ Phoenix \ Products* Refer to the firmware file path!
Nokia folder does not exist? DataPackage folder does not exist? Just create the folder manually
Extract 7. IAD PKEY Emulator and find OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v 5.exe v5.0.rar* To use Windows 7, others can skip to the point 8.
ogmjafemulator.jpg picture by izaham2
Please right click the file, open properties and Set OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v 5.exe fashion to Windows Vista compatibility and tick * Run This program as an administrator.
View your desktop, there icon 'Launch IAD? Set the compatibility mode to Windows Vista and C * Run This program as an administrator.
8. Open OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v 5.exe
jafemulator.jpg picture by izaham2

And press the button 'GO'. Wait until the program is finished load. You will get this error;...

jafstarterror.jpg picture by izaham2

Please press OK. You will see this interfas IAD;

jafopen.jpg picture by izaham2
Nokia 5800XM you please stick to the PC using PC Suite Mode.

Take a look back IAD software, please press the Tab "BB5" and;

"Manual Flash"

'Dead USB'

'Normal Mode'
Untick"CRT 308"
After that, please tick "Use INI" to select your phone model
jafselect.jpg picture by izaham2

Make sure that the Nokia 5800 RM-356 and press OK. You will see this J.A.F;

jafload.jpg picture by izaham2

Switch off your Nokia 5800XM PLEASE YOU AND DO NOT disconnect the USB cable!

Click on the 'FLASH' on the IAD and please press the power button once (I do not hold button, click once directly ago)

Nokia 5800XM you are in the process of 'FLASH', wait until completion Flashing IAD. IAD will copy the 'Done' in the 'status and result.

When the flash process is complete Nokia 5800XM you will restart.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

9. Please set back to your PC Nokia 5800XM SUITES MODE.
Extract the downloaded * refer to point No.2

I should be in there 1st Patches folder with 2 files in it. (RP + Install Server. Rmp & Open4All RP +. Rmp)

Please copy Patches folder to your memory card Nokia 5800XM.

10. In Nokia 5800XM you, please go to Menu> Apps. > RomPatcher +
You should melihan;

Server Install blue icon RP +;

icon blue Open4All RP +

Press both the blue icon to the green. Set the icon to 'Auto'


Please la restore backups that you do start start earlier.

Apple’s First Batch of iPad Problems

Posted in By onetruth 0 comments

Muncul sebagai tidak menghairankan bahawa iPad Apple yang baru dilancarkan menderita beberapa masalah dengan alat keras (atau perisian). Setelah semua, selain dari kenyataan bahawa itu adalah alat baru, track record Apple ketika datang untuk menjadi bug-tidak adalah sesuatu yang komuniti teknologi boleh mempertimbangkan muntah berjalan. Dalam kes apapun, kita masih beruntung bahawa ketika membandingkan masalah saat iPad kepada produk dahulu dari Apple (iPod, iPhone), isu-isu generasi pertama, nyaris apa pun untuk panik. 

Dengan hanya beberapa hari selepas pelancaran 3 April AS, beberapa pemilik peranti telah mengenalpasti tiga isu utama bahawa Apple akan harus bekerja pada. Yang pertama dilaporkan hanya awal, masalah dengan kemampuan peranti WiFi. Laporan awal datang dari talian kecewa dan marah posting dari iPad-peranti pemilik mereka tidak dapat menyambung atau mengekalkan sambungan kepada hotspot WiFi. Masalah ini dikenalpasti sebagai masalah dengan iPad sejak ramai pengguna lain yang mereka bersaksi bahawa peranti WiFi ada masalah kerana dalam rangkaian yang sama. 

Menimbang bahawa iPad yang sangat bergantung pada fungsinya sebagai alat browsing web, masalah ini dengan boleh disambungkan kepada rangkaian wayarles adalah sesuatu yang orang tidak boleh diabaikan.
Selain masalah WiFi, itu juga telah melaporkan bahawa iPad mempunyai beberapa masalah menjalankan aplikasi untuk iPhone. Laporan menyatakan bahawa aplikasi akan "crash" ketika sedang berjalan di iPad tersebut. Masalah ini Namun adalah sesuatu yang dapat dengan mudah diselesaikan kerana masalah perisian yang boleh dibaiki oleh patch tepat waktu.
Mengumpulkan senarai masalah iPad adalah masalah dengan USB mengisi bahawa beberapa pengguna telah melaporkan untuk tidak dapat berfungsi kecuali peranti mereka dimatikan. Yang terang untuk semua persoalan di atas adalah bahawa mereka nampaknya tidak dapat bertahan dalam semua peranti. 

It comes as to no surprise that the newly launched Apple iPad is suffering from some issues with its hardware (or software). After all, aside from the fact that it is a new device, Apple’s track record when it comes to being bug-free is something that the tech community could consider a running gag. In any case, we are still fortunate that when comparing the current problems of the iPad to the previous products from Apple (iPod, iPhone), these first generation issues are hardly anything to panic about.

With just a few days after the April 3 US launch, several owners of the device have already identified three key issues that Apple would need to work on. The first was reported quite early on; a problem with the device’s WiFi capabilities. The initial reports came from disappointed and angry posts online by iPad owners –their devices could not connect or maintain a connection to a WiFi hotspot. The issue was identified as a problem with the iPad since many users testified that their other WiFi devices were no having problems in the same network.

Considering that the iPad relies heavily on its function as a web browsing tool, this issue with being able to connect to a wireless network is something that people cannot ignore.

Aside from the WiFi problem, it has also been reported that the iPad has some problems running applications for the iPhone. Reports stated that the apps would “crash” when being run in the iPad. This issue however is something that can be easily resolved since it is a software problem that can be remedied by a timely patch.

Rounding up the iPad’s problem list is an issue with the USB charging that some users have reported to be unable to function unless their device is turned off. The bright to all the above issues is that they do not seem to persist in all devices.

(Cases) Remove an illegitimate child. What sin they?

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(Cases) Remove an illegitimate child. What sin they?

For what crime they were killed, abandoned as trash ?

KUALA TERENGGANU: baby's head without a body which has maggots found in garbage in the village of Bira Queen, Setiu today.

City Criminal Investigation Department Chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fuzzy Abduri, said the baby's head was found at approximately 1 am by a villager who want to throw garbage in the garbage.

"The baby is believed to be thrown in there since a week ago, is believed to eat wild animals," he said here.

He said the relocation, the police arrested a 41-year-old housewife at 3:30 this morning to assist in the investigation of the case.

Mohd Fuzzy said initial investigations found that police arrested a woman who was just refer to her former husband about a month ago.

If you do not want children outside of marriage. 
Drop pill TO CONTENT read.
I just want to help.
I Know what u feel.

Smoking in pregnancy may up risk of "cross-eyed" baby

Posted in By onetruth 0 comments

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - For each cigarette a pregnant woman lights up each day, she raises her baby's risk of strabismus by 5 percent, new research suggests.

Further, the effect of smoking on the debilitating eye disorder may become more potent later in pregnancy.
"Although strabismus is a common condition, affecting some 2 to 3 percent of children, not much is known about its causes," lead researcher Dr. Tobias Torp-Pedersen of the Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark, told Reuters Health by email.

Strabismus, often called "cross-eyes," is a collective term for about 30 different conditions in which the eyes are unable to line-up in the same direction when focusing on an image. Some subtypes are linked with muscle problems, while others are linked to nerve damage. Left uncorrected, strabismus may lead to irreversible vision loss, in addition to psychological and social consequences.

Exposure in the womb to harmful substances may be one cause of strabismus. "Nicotine and other substances in tobacco, alcohol and caffeine all affect the brain in some way," said Torp-Pedersen. "Minor disturbances to the developing brain could plausibly lead to strabismus."

In fact, previous research had connected smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy with strabismus. But most of these studies were small and did not thoroughly investigate the timing and quantity of the exposures. The effect had also yet to be broken down by strabismus subtype, added Torp-Pedersen.

So he and his team identified more than 1,300 cases of strabismus from the Danish National Birth Cohort. All of the children were born between 1996 and 2003. Their mothers were interviewed twice during pregnancy, as well as at 6 and 18 months after delivery.

They found that women who smoked during pregnancy were at a 26 percent greater risk of having a child with strabismus compared to mothers who had not smoked, after adjusting for other risk factors such as alcohol consumption and the mother's age.

The effect was not significant for smoking limited to the first trimester, but increased to 43 and 35 percent, respectively, for those who smoked during the first two or all three trimesters.

In their report in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the researchers also note that women smoking between five and nine cigarettes a day had a 38 percent greater risk of their baby developing strabismus compared to non-smoking mothers. Smoking 10 or more cigarettes a day was associated with a 90 percent greater risk.

"We were able to show that each extra cigarette smoked per day during pregnancy exerted a 5 percent increase in strabismus risk, which is a new finding," Torp-Pedersen told Reuters Health.
He has this advice for pregnant smokers: quit smoking.

The effects were nearly the same between strabismus subtypes. And no added risk was seen with light smoking (less than five cigarettes a day), nicotine replacement therapy, or coffee or tea consumption.
Drinking small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy actually appeared to reduce the risk of strabismus. However, missing data may have distorted this result, the researchers caution. "We do not recommend consuming alcohol during pregnancy," Torp-Pedersen emphasized.

Dr. Philip Lempert of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, expressed concern that the study was unable to capture information about alcohol consumption during the critical first trimester, noting in an email to Reuters Health that "timing is the critical factor."

Search for cigarette a pregnant

Throw away the baby handle more serious

Posted in By onetruth 0 comments

Throw away the baby handle more serious 

CASE throw away the baby should be raised to become major issues that led to the punishment commensurate to the offenders. There is no word of an appropriate for us to illustrate the cruelty done. 

It is entitled is equal to murder another. Thus, offenders who were involved should be brought to prove the noose. This is an opinion that requires in-depth details to bring awareness to the community.

I agree with the opinion of the Chief of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan that the father of the toddler must also be dragged to justice and receive the same sentence. The maximum penalty 20 years imprisonment does not give effect to the 'baby killer' is. Appropriate sentence under review, but let it be very appropriate to the level of criminal conduct it. 

Babies are born perfect human nature is recognized as eligible for the normal legal protection as other people. Just a baby does not have any strength to defend itself in the form of energy or hide. Did the baby born in the normal state is an act of killing people. 


If errors kill ended the noose, there is no difference with the offense to remove the baby leading to the death to the baby. 

Prison sentence can be practiced if the baby was found in a still life. But the proposal to bring the two men to justice is brutally accurate. Causes of treatment rather than throw the baby begins at the woman, but clearly the cause of inhuman deed came from both father and mother. 

In this case, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil role as a minister in the ministry deemed to be championing the dignity of women is needed. The study is urgent to remove the child offenders sentenced as a murderer. 

Community should see this baby as a symptom of un-universal issues that are damned of the earth is Allah. 

Sinful behavior should be raised to become the main agenda to be addressed immediately. Department of Religious Affairs in cooperation with all law enforcement has to be increased determination to combat the symptoms of immorality. 

Cases reported in the Daily Star on Tuesday and is one of the cases detected by the community. But at the same time there are many unfortunate cases of babies who "killed" and removed directly from the earth.

We agree that all parties are responsible and take the deal with this problem. 

Efforts to combat social ills is almost more effective if it is headed by the support of law itself. Community members may be involved with how to generate ideas and recommendations on how the methods to facilitate the authorities to act. 

If the response is given by the police in this case remove the baby, the other parties need to continue the support to see a faster solution.

The Abortion Pill: Medical Abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol

Posted in By onetruth 5 comments

What is the Medical Abortion?
Medical Abortion (brand name Mifeprex) is a form of early abortion caused by the combination of two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol that is an option for women who are 8 weeks pregnant or less. Also known as RU486 or medication abortion.

During the first appointment at the clinic you receive the mifepristone pill to take orally. Then 24 to 72 hours later, in the privacy of your own home, you take the the second medication, misoprostol. Misoprostol causes contractions resulting in a miscarriage. When used in combination, mifepristone and misoprostol are 95-97% effective within two weeks. Mifepristone and misoprostol are FDA approved.

How Does It Work?
Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone needed to maintain the pregnancy. Because this hormone is blocked, the uterine lining begins to shed, the cervix begins to soften and bleeding may occur. With the later addition of the second medication, misoprostol, the uterus contracts and the pregnancy is usually expelled within 6 to 8 hours.

Because the woman chooses when she takes the second medication within the time frame of 24 to 72 hours after the first medication, she has some control over the timing of when she expels the pregnancy and experiences the side effects of bleeding and cramping. Some women choose the Medical Abortion because of the privacy it offers. Some women feel empowered by taking an active role in the process.

At your first appointment at the clinic, an ultrasound is performed to confirm you are less than 8 weeks pregnant. You then speak with an experienced counselor who explains how mifepristone and misoprostol work and makes sure you get answers to all of your questions. Your health history is carefully reviewed and if you meet the criteria, the doctor will give you the mifepristone to take orally. You are also given one bottle containing four tablets of misoprostol to be used 24 to 72 hours after taking mifepristone. If this first dosage fails to induce a miscarriage, please call the clinic to receive instructions on using your back-up misoprostol tablets.

What To Expect
Upon taking mifepristone at the clinic you may begin to bleed. As each woman's body is different, bleeding varies from woman to woman. Some may experience light bleeding much like spotting towards the end of a menstrual period. Others have heavier bleeding like their regular menstrual period, or like a heavy period. Some women do not experience any bleeding until taking the misoprostol.

Upon taking the second medication misoprostol tablet, cramping, bleeding, and clotting may begin as soon as 20 minutes. Within the next 6 to 8 hours, most women will miscarry. Cramping may come in waves with increasing and decreasing intensity. You can expect bleeding heavier than a menstrual period with large clots. During this time, you will pass the embryo although you may not see it since it is very small. The amount of bleeding when using the Medical Abortion is greater than with aspiration abortion.

A follow-up exam is scheduled for two weeks later to make sure the process is complete. If you have not yet miscarried, we will perform a aspiration abortion. A very small percentage (5%) of women do not pass the pregnancy tissue and need a suction procedure to complete the process.

Side Effects
Most of the side effects when using this early abortion option are caused by the second medication, misoprostol. Side-effects may include heavy bleeding, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy cramping.

Vaginal bleeding with medical abortion could be extremely heavy. In rare situations it could require a aspiration abortion and very rarely, a blood transfusion. You will be given our 24-hour hotline number to call if you have any problems. Medical staff are on call at all times to answer your medical questions and concerns.

If pregnancy is continued after taking these medications, there is a high risk of fetal deformities.

Abortion Medication may be an option if you:
  • Are less than 8 weeks since your last menstrual period.
  • Are willing and able to give informed consent.
  • Have the support you need such as access to reliable transportation and ability to communicate with the clinic by telephone.
  • Live no more than 2 hours away from emergency medical care (a hospital).
  • Are able to come back to the clinic for 1 to 3 follow-up appointments.
  • Agree to have a surgical abortion if the misoprostol does not induce termination.
Your Health
Due to the risk of serious health problems, mifepristone and misoprostol may not be recommended if you:
  • Have had a blood clotting problem or are taking anticoagulant medicine.
  • Have severe anemia.
  • Have adrenal failure.
  • Are taking long-term systemic corticosteroids.
  • May have an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Have a mass in the tubes or ovaries.
  • Have inherited porphyria.
  • Have an allergy to mifepristone, misoprostol or other prostaglandin medicine.
  • Have severe diarrhea.
Future Fertility
According to studies of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the National Abortion Federation, there are no known long term risks associated with using mifepristone and misoprostol. Therefore, women may pursue another pregnancy whenever they feel the time is right after having a Medical Abortion.

Other Options For Early Abortion
If you are at least 6 weeks by ultrasound, you can choose to have a surgical abortion, in which the cervix is dilated and suction aspiration is used to remove the tiny pregnancy.
Another option may be a chemical or medical abortion using Methotrexate. Ask at the clinic about your particular circumstances.

No Confusion
Do not confuse Medical Abortion with the "Morning After" Emergency Contraception Pills (brand name Plan B). They are completely different medications taken for different purposes.
  • Medical Abortion pills cause pregnancy termination and are used after pregnancy is established

Ayah Pin Hina Islam

Posted in By onetruth 0 comments

Hai Malaysia. Sekarang Ayah Pin guna facebook hina Islam. Jadi kepada NGO-NGO yang rajin buat report Polis sila laporkan aktiviti terkini Ayah Pin. Jangan jadi NGO yang double standard. Kepada satu-satunya pejuang Islam dalam Malaysia ni, Yb Zulkifli Nordin, apa lagi tunggu. Takkan dengan Ayah Pin pun kau takut. Jangan pandai menggelar orang lain sebagai budak hingusan. aku nak tengok setakat mana keberanian kau melawan Ayah Pin laknatullah ni.

Wajah laknatullah, Ayah Pin

Ayah Pin dengan kurang ajarnya menghina Nabi Muhammad S.A.W di wall facebooknya. Jangan dibiarkan si mangkuk ni hidup!

Surat keluar Islam,click je pic tu,

Di facebook Ayah Pin juga ada disertakan sijil surat dia keluar Islam. Woi MANGKUK !! itu bukan lesen untuk kau menghina agama dan Nabi aku. Korang kalau jumpa Ayah Pin nih, aku mintak tolong sangatlah ktkorang supaya korang tamatkan je riwayat orang tua jahanam ni. aku kalau kaya aku memang bikin reward untuk sesapa yang berjaya tamatkan riwayat Ayah Pin nih. Tetapi kepada sapa yang berjaya bunuh si laknat ni, korang claim reward kek Allah la ye.

Sijil murtad Ayah Pin di facebook si laknat Ayah Pin,click je pic tu,

Alamat facebook

Klik link ini untuk terus ke alamat facebook Ayah Pin laknatullah. Ini aku salin balik apa yang si laknat ni tulis kat wall facebooknya.

1] Hukum boleh bernikah dgn kanak-kanak adalah hukum jahiliyah yg Muhammad bawa masuk dlm Islam. Berkata Al-Mutawaffi dlm kitabnya Al-Mujabbar: Brgsiapa berhukum pd zmn jahiliyah dan Islam reda dgn hukum itu maka jadilah ia HUKUM ISLAM. Hukum Islam memang tidak bertamadun membenarkan kanak-kanak kecil menikah, rendah tamadun mcm jahiliya

2] Berita di Klantan budak 10 tahun dikahwinkan. Tok ayah x terkejut kerana Muhammad kawin dgn Aisyah pd umur aisyah 6 tahun dan menggaulinya pd usia 9 tahun. Bygkn lelaki berusia 50 tahun mlakukn seks dgn budak 9 thun. Sgt tidak brmoral nabi umat Islam ini. Inilah bukti rendahnya moral Islam yg diajar oleh Muhammad. Tinggalkan agama tidak brtamadun ini!

Laknat ALLAH kepada Ayah Pin !!! o0o !!